Mama Odie - Voice of Wisdom

Mama Odie – Voice of Wisdom – Set 3: Into the Inklands Card Preview

A new card for Disney Lorcana's Set 3: Into the Inklands has been revealed - Mama Odie - Voice of Wisdom:

Mama Odie - Voice of Wisdom

Mama Odie - Voice of Wisdom
  • Dreamborn · Ally · Sorcerer
  • Cost: 6
  • Strength: 3
  • Willpower: 6
  • Listen to your mama now: Whenever this character quests, you may move up to 2 damage counters from chosen character to chosen opposing character.
  • "That's the way to give it what it needs, Juju!"
  • Rarity: Uncommon

It has been confirmed that it triggers Grand Pabbie - Oldest and Wisest but not Beast - Selfless Protector. While it's a high cost card, it seems great with Teeth and Ambitions!

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