Six Tech Cards to Consider in the Current Metagame

Are you tired of struggling in mirror matches and feeling lost in the ever-evolving Disney Lorcana metagame? Today, we will explore seven cards that could potentially transform existing meta decks and elevate your decks overall performance. These cards have been making some waves in recent tournaments, even somewhat reshaping the competitive landscape around them. Let's dive into the details and discuss how these cards can give you the upper hand.

1. Smash

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Smash can be a game-changer.  It offers a three-cost, three damage inkable removal option for various notable characters. With a straightforward ability that deals three damage to a chosen character, it has become particularly effective against deck defining characters like Arthur - Wizard's Apprentice and Minnie Mouse - Stylish Surfer. Initially overlooked for the seemingly more efficient and singable nature of Let the Storm Rage On or Strength of a Raging Fire, Smash should still find a place in Steel decks, especially Sapphire/Steel. When you just need a card to do three damage, you do not have to jump through any hoops or play additional cards to make it happen. 

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2. Blue Fairy - Rewarding Good Deeds

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I talked about the power of Blue Fairy - Rewarding Good Deeds in my last article around “Floodborn Matters” cards.  She is a two-cost inkable character with a one-strength, one-willpower stat line, equipped with Evasive and the Eternal Grow ability that allows you to draw a card when you play a Floodborn character. With this powerful, alternative combo based card draw ability, Blue Fairy has found a place in Amethyst/Steel decks.  She provides incremental card advantage throughout the game, becoming a nuisance to deal with, at such a low cost. Her Evasive nature even allows her to trade with opposing popular Minnie Mouse - Stylish Surfer when combined with another tech card, Merlin - Crab.  The flexible nature of this two drop turns this little Fairy into a card advantage threat, making her a valuable addition to the current metagame.  Can she see play in other Amethyst decks beyond Steel?  As long as you are running enough Floodborn characters, she may have a home!

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3. Jafar - Dreadnought

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Jafar - Dreadnought is a powerful four cost, Inkable Character with Shift 2 which has proven its worth as a reliable character in Disney Lorcana. Priced at four resources, it boasts a three-strength, four-willpower stat line with one lore and a very playable Shift two which is an upgrade from Jafar - Royal Vizier who also sees increased play recently (again to combat the ever present Minnie Mouse - Stylish Surfer). This giant snake’s "Now Where Were We" ability allows you to draw a card when banishing another character in a challenge, gaining back the potential lost card advantage through the Shfit ability. This card has become a staple in various decks, especially those featuring the "Floodborn matters" combos of Blue Fairy - Rewarding Good Deeds or Bucky - Squirrel Squeak Tutor.

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The key for me with Jafar - Dreadnought is trading up in massive value from two willpower to four willpower, while still allowing you to draw a card when he banishes an opposing character.  Four willpower gets over the 3/3 stat line that Madam Mim - Snake boasts, and while he still trades with Madam Mim - Fox it is often times after you have already drawn a card through Shifting. 

If you are simply going to run him out on turn four, I really feel you need to combo with the “Floodborn Matters” cards above, because there are likely more efficient things you can be doing without that incremental value, but he is a key cog in these popular wheels.

4. Fidget - Ratigan's Henchman

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Fidget - Ratigan's Henchman, has three key things going for him: three strength, Evasive, and being in Ruby. He has emerged as a powerful tool against mirror matches, particularly against Ruby Amethyst decks in taking out Minnie Mouse - Stylish Surfer.  It is amazing how often the surfing mouse comes up as a metagame defining threat, which tells you how much Amethyst/Ruby relies on Evasive lore gain to keep the pressure on opponents throughout the game. Fidget’s inclusion catches opponents off guard, and its effectiveness has been highlighted in recent tournaments. It was featured in multiple top eight lists for the largest online tournament to date, and was a key strategy for gaining Lore and keeping opponents in the mirror from gaining it themselves.

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Fidget introduces a strategic element, forcing opponents to consider specific cards in response. At this moment, Fidget has become the main reason that Amethyst/Ruby cannot really move away from Teeth and Ambitions as early game removal, as the inkable damage is just too efficient against threats like this bat.  His solid strength and ability to dodge challenges makes him a key target for later game Merlin – Crabs, as he is more likely to be around in the later game. 

5. Hercules - Divine Hero

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Hercules - Divine Hero is seeing a huge uptick in play in both Amber/Steel and Sapphire/Steel lists nowadays.  Although playing him out for six ink is inefficient, he still represents a key threat that can be hard for decks to deal with, especially in Steel mirrors.  Combined with Cogsworth - Grandfather Clock he can be impossible to take down with damage-based removal or challenges, allowing you to simply quest for two each turn, virtually unabated.

Shifting him is where you can really find his potential. Most efficiently Shifting onto a Hercules - Hero in Training (who already boasts the all-important three willpower) can give Steel decks a pseudo Maui - Hero to All impression.

The key for me to really start enjoying the Hercules package was to stop seeing Shift as inherent card disadvantage, even if the Floodborn version was dealt with easily. You are essentially upgrading a card in play from a position where it is being easily outclassed, to a version that may not simply equalize the board, but overtake it.  You are also gaining “rush” on a very powerful card (6/3 Resist 2) and that says nothing about the ability to Sing more powerful songs, as Amber/Steel has been doing for months now. 

I think many players are scared off by the three willpower, but as Steel decks rise in popularity, this demigod is key in the mirror matches to push your advantage.  He is very likely a key card to play in Sapphire/Steel mirrors that tend to stall out.  In fact, he may be more powerful and needed than Cinderella - Stouthearted.

6. Kuzco - Wanted Llama

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Kuzco - Wanted Llama has emerged as a key card for Amethyst/Ruby mirror matches and may be able to see play in additional Amethyst decks.  As a two-cost inkable character with one strength, two willpower, and the "Where Am I?" ability to draw you cards when he is banished, the llama has become a key player in protecting against opposing non-challenge based removal like Lady Tremaine - Imperious Queen and Be Prepared. Against mass removal, Kuzco is like having another Merlin - Rabbit in play. Sure, he did not draw you a card when he came into play, but he also costs half of the Rabbit, allowing you to make key later plays such as playing him the same turn as Ursula - Power Hungry who is currently a key win condition in Amethyst late games. Kuzco's ability to maintain card advantage, especially in Amethyst decks, makes it a crucial consideration for deck builders.

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While his challenging stat line is very weak, your opponent still needs to handle him, losing tempo in dealing with this 1/2 that will replace himself anyway.  This gain of tempo means that Kuzco should even be a consideration in aggro decks like Amber/Amethyst as well. 

Similar to Hercules above, it has been hard to see over the low stat line to understand that small incremental Lore gain still has to be dealt with at some point.  While Kuzco is not immune to all board wipes (especially Grab Your Sword), most other options do not replace themselves when dealt with. 


These six cards have significantly impacted the Disney Lorcana metagame, showcasing their versatility, effectiveness, and potential for reshaping strategies. As the metagame continues to evolve, keeping an eye on these cards and experimenting with their inclusion in your decks could be the key to staying ahead of the competition. Whether you're aiming for success in mirror matches or looking to counter prevalent strategies, these cards offer exciting possibilities for deck refinement and improvement.


Scott Landis is a 30-year Trading Card Game professional, and former writer for the World of Warcraft TCG and Transformers TCG among others.  Currently he is an owner of The Forbidden Mountain, a Lorcana YouTube Page and TCG player Store. You can follow them on YouTube and please use their TCGplayer Store (same cost as the marketplace). You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.

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