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Thea Beasty’s Pixelborn Online Events keeps getting bigger and bigger. Breaking its own record every single time! Not only did it break its own record but it is by far the biggest tournament with the highest price and most participants. Best thing is, it is for a good cause! Today we will be covering the Top 8 Decks of Thea Beasty’s The Pack 10K Charity Tournament.

Top 8 Decks of Thea Beasty’s The Pack 10K Charity Tournament
Yet again we will be covering another Tournament with a variety of decks on the Top 8 of The Pack 10k Charity Tournament. I know at this point I’m kinda repeating myself on how excited and happy I am to see the Diversity of Decks that has been making it on Top Cut. Today we have 5 different Ink combinations that made it to Top 8.
The Pack 10K Charity Tournament Top 8
Alexis “Flaxeau” Valentin - Emerald Steel Discard
Flaxeau’s List is what most Emerald Steel Discard Decks look like. Except that it is also Running Mother Knows Best. This card is more common on Emerald Amethyst Bounce Tempo decks. Though I can see that it could easily fit in this list due to the same aspect of every Midrange deck, it's playing for Tempo. Also would like to mention that Ba-Boom! is officially a staple in these types of decks now. It’s just too good in the current meta. Plus it's Inkable.
MerkLC - Emerald Amethyst Bounce Tempo
If you have been following our recent posts for Big Tournaments like this you would notice that this is now the meta version of this deck. There is really nothing much to talk about with this deck except that it is officially a fast midrange deck and has stepped away from the Aggro Version of the Deck. One thing I’d like to mention though that I’ve noticed a lot is that most of this list has cut Pinocchio - Talkative Puppet into 1 copy. Which is also something I do not mind specially if it makes the deck run smoother with only 12 Uninkable Cards in it.
Michele “GodSLLI” Migliori - Sapphire Ruby Pawp Control
GodSLLI’s list kind of scares me. There are 20 Uninkable cards for such a High Cost Curve Deck. But I guess with a solid Mulligan Game Plan, anything is possible when it comes to Piloting these decks just like Zan Syed’s 21 Uninkable Steel Song. There are some techs I'd like to discuss with this. First is Shield of Virtue, a card we don’t see too often anymore. This card can still be very deadly especially when taking out Locations with the combination of High Strength Cards like Maui - Hero to All. It also is just another great target for draw with Hiram Flaversham - Toymaker.
Another thing is that it has 2 Scar - Vicious Cheater. This tech is starting to become more common since it’s so great for wiping the opponent’s board without wiping yours like Be Prepared. This also allows the deck to run less copies of Be Prepared. It is great since there are so many Discard decks that have Ursula - Deceiver and Steel Song with The Bare Necessities.
Daniel “Cerek” Vicens - Sapphire Steel Cogsworth
Cerek’s deck has one thing that stood out for me the most. It has Fire the Cannons! instead of Ba-Boom!. Now this card is technically better than Ba-Boom! in a way that it is cheaper to play. But can be less flexible if drawn in the wrong turn. The deck also only has 1 copy of And Then Along Came Zeus. Though 2 Rise of the Titans can easily help when it comes to removing Locations. But this could also backfire against decks with Big Body Characters.
Top 4
Jared Weed - Emerald Steel Discard
Jared’s Deck is a hybrid of the Traditional Emerald Steel Discard and its faster version. Tiana - Celebrating Princess usually is something that we see on the faster version of the deck and that is where the curve ends. This version has Tiana - Celebrating Princess as a splash in the deck. I can definitely see it still working since it's a pretty solid card in general that can survive most things in the meta and quest for 2 Lore to apply pressure on the opponent. It’s ability proccing is more of a nice bonus for you.
Dave “Attackfortwo” Solberg - Ruby Amethyst Bounce Control
Attackfortwo’s List has a very interesting tech in it and I think that it’s a great choice. Scar - Vicious Cheater is a nice addition to the deck for the current meta. As a Ruby Amethyst player, I often find myself having Be Prepared being held for too long in my hand whenever I win the board early. 1 Scar - Vicious Cheater and 3 Be Prepared is a bit more flexible especially when the cards are drawn at the right moment. I also noticed that It has cut The Sorcerer's Spellbook from the deck which isn’t an issue in my opinion since the card is more of a tech for mirror matches. With the variety of decks in the meta now, running another copy of a different card might help you out more in general.
Top 2
Emanuele Mingione - Sapphire Steel Cogsworth
Emanuele’s List has a super spicy tech that helped him get to Top 2! This deck has 3 copies of Fire the Cannons!. We have seen 3 Copies of Ba-Boom! before but never this! It can be called greedy to have these many copies of it but it paid off so well for Emanuele! The thing is 2 Damage Action is so good in the meta at the moment. Despite it being Uninkable, the card itself is very useful. You just have to really learn how to Mulligan Properly in these types of decks. Everything else we see in the deck are cards we will usually see in a regular Sapphire Steel Deck. With different amounts of copies with certain cards of course.
Top 1
Christoffer Andersen - Ruby Sapphire Pawp Control
First of all Congratulations to Christoffer for winning The Pack 10k Charity Tournament! Christoffer’s deck might’ve hit the right amount of copies of cards for a deck like this. The deck has 2 Lady Tremaine - Imperious Queen and 2 Madame Medusa - The Boss. It just might be enough for a solid Turn 6 play. At turn 7 though it has plenty of choices for a board wipe. It has 4 Be Prepared if things went wrong to reset the board or Scar - Vicious Cheater if things are not so bad.
This deck also is very dominant in the late game with 4 Maleficent - Monstrous Dragon and 4 Tamatoa - So Shiny!. This deck can easily struggle against hyper aggro decks but with the absence of hyper Aggro, It has dominated this tournament. Lastly, it has 2 Shield of Virtue that is great with all these Big Bodies and a great target for more draws for Hiram Flaversham - Toymaker.
The Top 8 Decks of Thea Beasty’s The Pack 10K Charity Tournament is very diverse with the inclusion of Aggro. I think now that Steel Decks in general are becoming more solid in the meta, we won’t be seeing aggro decks that often or not at all anymore in the Top Cut. This is Why the Tournament’s first place has a heavy control deck that can be classified as too greedy and slow if going against aggro. The meta really has fully shifted into Midrange and Control Decks. The closest thing we see nowadays that is close to Aggro is Fast Midrange Decks. Nevertheless, I am happy to see the amount of different decks that are in the Top Cut for the game.
If you learned something or enjoyed this article, don’t forget to check our Homepage Lorcana.GG for more Disney Lorcana Content. Other than that, I will see you all on the Next One!