Disney Lorcana Finance Report: Market Watch – March 12, 2024

Each week, we will be taking a look at the cards that most rose and fell in price on the secondary market in Disney Lorcana.

Last Friday was the big box release of Into the Inklands. This had a dramatic effect on market prices of cards to the general public. In general, however, since the distribution shortages of the past have seemingly been solved, you can still find boxes of sealed product at UNDER MSRP. This means paying big box retail prices, if you have an LGS in your area, is not recommended and likely you can get them cheaper at said LGS (and you will be supporting where you want to play the game!). So, the prices going down overall for this set is simply due to more volume of the product being out there, although more players are in the ecosystem buying singles as well.

General Rules for Analysis

Each week, I will be taking a look at the cards that rose and fell the most in each of Disney Lorcana’s sets and potentially make some predictions based on chatter I am hearing and results I am seeing throughout the community. A few rules up front:

  1. Price changes are based on TCGplayer Market Price, updated every hour on the hour (through an API). Market price is based on the average price of card sales. I am looking at the percentage price change from 7 days ago compared to when the article is written each week. Depending on when you are reading this/article goes live, compared to when that section was written, prices may change slightly.
  2. I am only looking at cards Rare or above, and with current value of close to $1 or more. Cards under $1 can have wide market swings given easy buyouts, but given the current state of supply of cards it was hard to find cards above this value for comparison given their growth trends. For cards under $1 I only included those I feel have the potential to go higher and were not simply artificially inflated (i.e. they actually see play).
  3. I am looking at only non-foil pricing.
  4. This article is for informational purposes only, you should not construe this information as financial advice.

Check out our new Disney Lorcana Prices section!

Note: This week I am only looking at Into the Inklands pricing, as this is the first time I am diving into it. The seven day price changes are more affected by supply increased by the big box release and just having more sellers in general compared to normal ebbs and flows or card prices due to "tournament usage." So, I will not be listing the 7 day change as an indictor for this analysis, because cards across the board are down due to supply. I will be talking about the hottest cards I see in the set by rarity.

We are back to having a set with impactful Legendaries, but the Super Rares of the set are generally under whelming. There are a few Super Rares that see play, but generally a majority of the value in this set is in high-end Legendaries and very playable Rares.

Let's talk about the current highest priced cards at each rarity and where I see them going, and maybe throw in a speculative one that I may take a flier on.


1. Robin Hood - Champion of Sherwood

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  • Current Market Price: $39.14

Like every card on here, the market prices are not able to keep up with the demand for this card from verified sellers. If you can find them for less than the high 40s and you trust the buyer, I would jump on them. Robin Hood is arguably the best card in the set, giving you a powerful early game threat that simply takes over the board. He is very difficult to take off the field efficiently early on, as you draw a card when he is banished in a challenge and something like Madame Medusa - The Boss costs a lot more than Robin's Shift cost.

He is simply a staple in any deck running Steel. You see it in Amber/Steel and Amethyst/Steel, and occasionally even in Sapphire/Steel. You simply get too much value for the cost, and given that he is a Legendary (with an Enchanted Version!) I expect his price tag to stay the highest in the set throughout this set's run.

Here is an example of a Jafar-based deck with Robin Hood to control the early to mid-game.

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2. Ursula - Deceiver of All

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  • Current Market Price: $33.43

I talked about Ursula at length in my article covering the surge of Emerald decks that popped up the first week of Inklands release. Since then the Emerald decks have kind of cooled off, but their effect on the metagame in forming the original "Rock" can still be felt. Ursula - Deceiver of All is still a character you simply cannot allow to ready in any given turn, and you have to have non-song ways of dealing with her, or her two drop self will strip the answers away.

Since Ursula is by far the best Emerald card we have seen in a long time, her popularity (and thus price) are off the charts. She is a card I can see leveling off in the $30 range, so I would be weary of overspending on her (and finding her under $40 from a verified seller is hard). If you plan to run Emerald in any fashion, however, be prepared to open up the wallet, but if you can wait a few weeks... I would.

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Legendary to Look Out for

Perdita - Devoted Mother

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  • Current Market Price: $9.33

Look, I'm a sucker for dog-based cards, and I love the Dalmatian Matriarch and her mate. Perdita is proving to be a versatile weapon in Amber/Ruby and I think you should be playing 1-2 copies in almost any Amber deck you can find room for her (and which is backed up by powerful two drops). I just do not think she will stay a $10 card, especially with a price tag currently lower than other Legendaries that see zero play competitively. If you can find a playset for under $10 each, I would be a buyer!

Super Rare

1. Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain

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  • Current Market Price: $1.70

You are generally paying 1.5x this market price nowadays, but honestly Piglet cannot land a home in any deck currently in competitive play. His ability is very flashy, but inconsistent. We need a way in game to more easily maintain a wider board and not fall victim to all the control tools that are working against you. I would not be buying Piglet at these inflated prices.

2. Prince Eric - Expert Helmsman

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  • Current Market Price: $1.21

Eric is a card on the rise that simply oozes with value. Combining him with Teeth and Ambitions is a no brainer, so his use in the metagame will ebb and flow with how good that early game removal is from week to week. Right now that arrow is up as Eric is seeing play in both Amber/Ruby and even some Amethyst/Ruby and Ruby/Sapphire lists. If a deck needs to control the early game, why not supplement it with a walking potential Dragon Fire with two Lore upside? The vast amount of good Legendaries is keeping the prices on Super Rares reasonable, but I would be picking up Eric for his current price tag!

Super Rare to look out for

Madame Medusa - The Boss

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  • Current Market Price: $0.91

Look, you are not finding this card for under $2 realisitcally, so if you happen to see any around this market price, jump on it. Madame Medusa is a staple that is right now supplementing Lady Tremaine - Imperious Queen but depending on the deck and the meta could supplant her use entirely. I have already seen some lists play the full playset of Medusa, and if that continues her price has to rise!


1. The Queen's Castle - Mirror Chamber

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  • Current Market Price: $5.64

You will not find a playset from a single buyer for under $6 so the best Location in the game still has room to rise in price. The jury is out if this card is "needed" but it is clearly a tournament staple at this point, showing up in various Amethyst color combinations. For players updating their Amethyst/Ruby decks from the last meta, this is often one of the only purchases they need to make, driving up easy demand. I think this is pretty standard price for The Queen's Castle, so buy them if you need them!

2. And Then Along Came Zeus

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  • Current Market Price: $2.91

Deck builders are figuring out the right number of this card to run in their Steel decks, but the number is never lower than two. If it becomes a staple four of, which is trending that way, I see this rare being a solid $5 rare in the future. If supply remains high, sets need some cards to maintain value and I can see this song staying at that price point long term. I would be buying under $3.

Rare to look out for

Maui's Fish Hook

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  • Current Market Price: $0.27

This card should be in every Ruby deck, because Maui is in every Ruby deck. The number of them is debatable, but 2-3 are now being found in every list, including Amethyst/Ruby which is hard to break into. I cannot fathom this card is under $1, I guess there are just so many of them out there, but I see them rising to that level in due time!


We are so early in the Into the Inklands season and with set championships just over a month away, I expect to see a lot of movement in this set's pricing over the coming weeks! Get your wallets ready to take advantage of some deals lurking around the corner!


Scott Landis is a 30-year Trading Card Game professional, and former writer for the World of Warcraft TCG and Transformers TCG among others.  Currently he is an owner of The Forbidden Mountain, a Lorcana YouTube Page and TCG player Store. You can follow them on YouTube and please use their TCGplayer Store (same cost as the marketplace). You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.

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