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So many big tournaments have been popping off lately for the Disney Lorcana competitive scene. On March 17th, we had the biggest one yet happen at Charlie's Collectible Show, with 226 players fighting over a $8000 prize pool. Today we will be discussing the Top 8 decks of CCS 8K Tournament.

Top8 decks of CCS 8k Tournament
There have been many decks rising up to the top trying to join the meta ever since Set 3 Into the Inklands has come out. But amongst the top 8 decks of CCS 8K Tournament, we will be seeing a very familiar sight except for one deck.
Top 8
James Miller - Ruby Amethyst Bounce
James Miller’s List is a little bit on the faster, lower curve side of the traditional Bounce Control. Running ten 1-cost Characters, ten 2-cost Characters, and fourteen 3-cost Characters, we can see that this deck is not as slow as most Bounce Control Decks. One can even argue that this is more of a midrange deck now. Since the curve is on the lower and faster side, this deck is running 4 Yzma - Scary Beyond All Reason to be able to answer Big Bodies on the Board.
Another thing is that the deck is running only 2 Be Prepareds since its game plan is to win the board early and there’s not much use for a board wipe if you own the board most of the time. Lastly, the deck has 1 001-067 to be able to filter the deck better to find an answer just in case things go sideways.
GeorgeGG - Ruby Amethyst Bounce Control
GeorgeGG’s list is more of a traditional Ruby Amethyst Bounce Control Deck. The only thing to point out is having 1 Yzma - Scary Beyond All Reason and 1 Dragon Fire to be able to answer early Big Threats on the Board. It also has 1 002-068 so you can have advantage against Mirror Matches. Lastly, it fully cut out all copies of Teeth and Ambitions.
Ryan Grebe - Ruby Amethyst Bounce Control
Ryan’s List is more on the Heavy Locations variant of the Deck. It has 3 Jim Hawkins - Space Traveler, 2 RLS Legacy - Solar Galleon, and 4 The Queen's Castle - Mirror Chamber. Since its game plan is to win more using Locations, the deck only has 3 Merlin - Goat. It also has no need for 002-068 anymore since you can gain so much lore through your Locations.
Logan Taylor - Ruby Amethyst Bounce Control
Logan’s List is more of a traditional list for Ruby Amethyst Bounce Control. The Deck has no Lady Tremaine - Imperious Queen or Yzma - Scary Beyond All Reason though. To compensate for this, the deck is running 2 copies of Dragon Fire to be able to banish Big Bodies on the board. While Madame Medusa - The Boss takes care of all the smaller ones.
Top 4
Zach Bivens - Amethyst Steel Aggro
Zach’s list looks like a list that was built from your bulk of cards from opening too many packs! Jokes aside, even though the list is very cheap as a whole price wise, it still performed very well. It is also important to point out that it is the only Aggro Deck that made it to the Top 8. The Deck is running the Bounce Package of Amethyst including 4 Befuddle and 2 002-035. Steel also provided a lot of gas in this deck by running semi big bodies that can Quest for 2. It also has bodyguards like Hercules - True Hero and 002-195. So you can protect your Curve if you decide to go for 001-048 and Pinocchio - Star Attraction.
Christian K - Amber Steel Song
Christian’s List is the Lantern version of Steel Song. Lantern is a great card for the meta. It allows you to play ahead of the curve so you can get value from Beast - Tragic Hero right away and helps you get your Stitch - Carefree Surfer early. Another tech I’d like to mention is Chernabog - Evildoer. If drawn on the right turn, this card can be a real threat to the board. It can control it and also allows you to shuffle your Ariel - Spectacular Singer back in to the deck to help you search for songs again.
Top 2
Edmond C. - Ruby Amethyst Bounce Control
Edmond’s list is a super heavy control version of the list. The Deck is unmatched once it enters late game. It is running 4 Madame Medusa - The Boss, 4 Lady Tremaine - Imperious Queen, and 4 Maleficent - Monstrous Dragon. The deck is also running 1 copy of 002-068 to win against mirror matches and to compensate for being a slower version of the deck that shines in Late Game!
Top 1
Zan Syed - Amber Steel Song Flutes
I personally got to interview Zan for my Podcast and got the chance to pick his brain to help me write about this deck. If you look at the number of Uninkable Cards in this deck you will notice that he might be trolling with it. 21 Uninkable Cards is not very common for a Lorcana deck. The sweet spot that most players have is 12-16 Uninkable Cards. It is an unspoken rule that most players agree on.
But after talking to Zan, he explained to me that it is ok to break the rules if you have a set plan and goal with your deck. The first thing is knowing how to mulligan. You have to be smart about your choice since the deck can easily brick. The Deck also usually stops at 5 ink in most games. It's all you mostly need to finish a game. The most controversial card in this deck has got to be Hades - Lord of the Underworld. This card allows him to bring back Ariel - Spectacular Singer so he can keep searching for his songs in the deck.
The Queen - Regal Monarch is also a great card to play in this meta since she can survive Madame Medusa - The Boss. Lastly card techs like Benja - Guardian of the Dragon Gem and 002-031 are great cards for the meta to deal with items and Big Bodies that Steel can struggle with removing.
The Top 8 Deck of CCS 8K Tournament is a very familiar sight for all of us. We can see that Ruby Amethyst Bounce Control and Amber Steel Song are still very strong and consistent. But we can also see from Zach Biven’s Amethyst Steel Aggro Deck that there is room for new decks to rise. As consistent and strong as the other usual decks we see, we should all still strive to find new decks to play, especially unpredictable ones. Knowing what the other decks are already, playing around those cards can be an advantage for new decks with the addition of the Element of Surprise.
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